JDocHelper TODO List
Last Modified: 2001/04/15
I'm planning to do below things. If you have any idea or requests,
please let me know!
- Functions which will be implemented in near future.
- Convert tab to 4(or 8, customizable) spaces. and opposite.
- Font selection of TableView, HTMLView and TreeView.
- Popup menu.
- Sort nodes in tree view.
- Implement gray out settings in OptionDialog
- Functions which will be available in major version up release, take more time.
- Source code editing. keyword coloring and complement.
- Support other programming languages like C, C++, etc.
- Source code beautifier.
- Create new @see, @exception tags by Drag and Drop.
Copyright (C) 2001
Hiroyuki Kurokawa
Last modified: 2001/04/15