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JDocHelper Home Page

Current Version: 0.8.2

Last Modified: 2001/05/31
Since: 2001/04/09

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About JDocHelper

JDocHelper is a tool to help add Javadoc comments to java source files. This tool can insert Javadoc comment template to each classes, methods and variables. Moreover JDocHelper can parse Java source files to insert more detailed information like param tags with argument names and exception tags with the names of exception classes.
This tool has GUI that can show you HTML pages that you are describing as Javadoc comments. All methods, variables and inner classes defined in java source files are displayed in the window with source code, so this tool can be used as source code browser. It can display classes, methods and variables' definitions with tree structure.







JDocHelper is the open source software that is released under the GPL(GNU General Public License). You can download binary files and source files from below sites. You can download old versions from SourceForge JDocHelper Project.

Binary Distribution
JDocHelper-0.8.2.zip: [SourceForge Server]
JDocHelper-0.8.2.tar.gz: [SourceForge Server]

Source Distribution
JDocHelper-0.8.2-src.tar.gz: [SourceForge Server]



All you have to do is to create a new directory and to extract files to that directory.
JDocHelper needs Java runtime environments. If you don't have one, you have to download and setup it.

JDocHelper runs on next environments.

How to Run

Change the current directory to installation directory(extract directory) and run bat file in that directory. Or type next command.
JDocHelper will make ".jdh" directory in your home directory when started. Settings are saved in ".jdh" directory.

If you want to uninstall, delete extract directory and ".jdh" directory in you home directory. That's all.

Quick Start

  1. Check source files are compiled without error.
    JDocHelper cannot parse source files that have error in javac compilation. You must check it before you add source files to JDocHelper.
  2. Start JDocHelper and add files.
    Click the menu [File]-[Add] in JDocHelper to load a source file that you want edit. On default setting, a source file is parsed when it is loaded. And param and exception tags are inserted automatically. If those are already described in your source file, tags are not added.
  3. Refer methods and variables that you want to edit.
    Click a method node or a variable node in tree view, then right pane responds to display Javadoc comments and tags in comments. The upper part displays Javadoc comments and the lower part displays all tags that are described in Javadoc comments in table.
    Icons in tree view indicates each node's access modifiers. At default setting, only public or protected nodes are displayed. Click [Option]-[Change Settings] on menu and select private, private methods and variables are displayed.
  4. Edit Javadoc comments.
    Edit any Javadoc comments and tags that you want. Editing doesn't affect original source file but is hold in tool data. Edited methods or variables are displayed as bold.
  5. Reflect changes to source file.
    After you finish editing Javadoc comments, you can reflect it to source file by clicking [File]-[Save] on menu. On default setting, a new file whose name is original name plus ".jdh" is created. If you want to overwrite an original source file, you can by optional setting.


Other Documents

Documents that don't have links are not released or finished. Those will be released soon.

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Requests and Comments

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Copyright (C) 2001 Hiroyuki Kurokawa

Last modified: 2001/05/31